First Event Completed!

Finally the day had come for us to lace up and get out there and get the first event out of the way!

On June 22nd, we drove onto MCAS Miramar with a mixture of emotions. The last visit to the base was for the Unit Memorial at the HMH-361 hangar. Arriving at the parking lot, we made our way to the starting area, passing by static displays of various aircraft. The first one that caught our eyes was a CH-53E from none other than MY old squadron HMH-466! Conflicted feelings arose at the sight of the 53, but a shared glance prompted us to approach it with a simple "let's go say hi." Standing beside the aircraft was a poignant moment, made even more special as the marine layer dissipated, allowing the sun to shine brightly, almost as if Alec himself was greeting us.

As we stood a bit nervously at the starting line, our excitement bubbling beneath the surface, we finally took off! The sun high in the sky, beating down on the runways, but our spirits soared as two cherished friends decided to join us for the run. One flew in from Portland, Oregon, while the other hailed from right here in San Diego. Their presence was truly incredible, providing us with much-needed support and encouragement throughout the event.

Although our pace was not as swift as we had hoped it would be, we completed the race side by side. As we reached the final stretch and passed the finish line, we clasped each other tightly, a silent understanding passing between us that this moment marked the beginning of a remarkable road to recovery.

We express our gratitude to NBC 12 in San Diego for their presence and the informative update they shared about our foundation and inaugural run. Dana's exceptional work truly impressed us, and we are immensely thankful for her efforts. To view the story, simply click here.


San Diego community really cares…..