Since the devastating loss of our beloved son Alec, we have wholeheartedly dedicated ourselves to ensuring that his legacy endures, resonating far and wide. Our resolve to honor Alec's memory drives us as we lace up our running shoes, striving to make a difference for families affected by aviation accidents.

Our Mission and Vision

Our mission at Running 4 Alec is to honor the brave men and women of the US Navy and Marine Corps who have lost their lives in aviation accidents by providing unwavering support to their grieving families. Through our dedicated efforts, we aim to raise awareness and generate vital donations that will alleviate the financial burden of memorializing their loved ones and help rebuild their shattered lives. With compassion and respect, we strive to create a lasting legacy that honors their service and ensures no family walks this challenging path alone. Together, as a dedicated team, we will tirelessly run, fundraise, and advocate for these families, ensuring that their stories are heard, their burdens lightened, and their legacies cherished forever as we stand united in remembrance and support for our fallen heroes.

“Let us ask ourselves, how can we live a life worthy of Alec’s sacrifice? The answer lies in how we choose to face our own battles in our daily lives, in our communities, and how we contribute to the world. And to never take for granted the freedom for which he……gave…...all.”

— LtCol N.J. Harvey / Commanding Officer HMH-361

Our Journey…

Early in the morning of February 7th, 2024, what began as a routine day quickly transformed into one filled with anxiety and uncertainty upon learning that Alec's aircraft was missing. As the hours passed, the Marine Corps officially declared Alec's duty status as "unknown" while details emerged that the aircraft had in fact crashed. Hours later, the devastating news arrived confirming the tragic loss of all crew members aboard the Tiger-43 aircraft.

As we grappled with the profound loss of our beloved son, it gradually dawned on us that our desire extended beyond merely preserving his legacy. We felt a deep-seated urge to sustain the crucial support system for prospective aviation mishaps within the Navy and Marine Corps. This newfound commitment allowed us to intertwine our newfound passion with a profound sense of connection to our son, resonating through the places that had been integral to his life.

After much contemplation, we made a solemn pledge to cherish every moment instead of idling away our days in front of the TV or engrossed in the endless scroll of the internet. We conceived the notion of participating in running events held at the military bases where Alec had been stationed, as well as the cherished destinations that held special significance for him and his loved ones.

Neither of us being the running types, we are starting this journey from the couch to ultimately hit our goals of running 5k, 10k, and even half marathons! We recently joined our local gym, eager to tackle this ambitious endeavor with newfound energy and determination.

We invite everyone to come alongside us as we prepare and await our placement in the race standings! As we engage in our training sessions and participate in running activities, we extend a call for contributions from those able to support families facing difficulties due to the tragic loss of a loved one in a Navy or Marine Corps incident. Every donation, regardless of size, will be directed to designated non-profits and agencies dedicated to aiding the bereaved families.

Alec’s Legacy and Story

Please take a moment and view articles that highlight Alec’s story of life, love and sacrifice as well as our efforts to keep is story alive.

Our Logo…

One of the last pictures Alec sent to us was of him sitting on the ramp, gently waving to the camera. He seemed to cherish those moments, taking in the view from that spot. As we reflect on this image now, it's not just a simple goodbye gesture; rather, it feels like a reassurance that he is at peace and still with us in spirit. This particular photo served as the catalyst not only for our logo but also for our unwavering commitment to keeping his memory alive.