We were asked for an update…

Today, San Diego CBS News 8 reached out to us for an update on the current status of the Langen family. It was a chance for us to express our gratitude to the San Diego community for their unwavering love and support throughout our ongoing journey. Click here for a link to the story.

There were multiple news outlets eager to cover the story soon after the incident occurred, yet we weren't prepared for it then. Their timely outreach was greatly appreciated by us.

We truly wanted to convey our deep gratitude for the heartwarming words, thoughtful prayers, and touching letters we received from our community. In addition, we were inquired about the steps we are taking to navigate through our sorrowful loss. It was then that we spoke about our non-profit organization and the initiatives we have undertaken to provide assistance and solace to other families in similar situations.

Thank you to CBS 8 Brian White for reaching out to us and showing an amazing level of care by checking in to see if there were any additional ways the San Diego community could assist us. We are sincerely touched by the ongoing display of support and kindness.


Merchandise available June 15th!!


Phoenix Rising Tribute