Appreciation, apparel and athletics

As we approach the final few weeks before our first run, our team has been diligently working on launching Running4Alec. The website went live on Memorial Day, although we encountered some initial issues with the online donation portal. Thankfully, these were promptly resolved. In just a few days of Running4Alec being operational, we are thrilled to see nearly $1,000 in donations already! We are deeply grateful to everyone who has contributed. It is truly touching to witness the outpouring of support for Alec. Additionally, we extend our heartfelt thanks to those who have shared our site on social media, helping to spread Alec's story and our mission.

As our final workouts approach, a sense of nervousness lingers within us. The upcoming run will take place on the same flight line where Alec worked and flew from, heightening our emotions as we imagine him taxiing along the same path we will be running on. This poignant connection drives us to undertake these events in locations he cherished, frequented, or dreamt of exploring. Through dedicated training, as depicted in the image, we are steadily enhancing our stamina and endurance, eagerly anticipating our inaugural event.

We have been receiving numerous inquiries regarding the upcoming additions to our website in terms of merchandise and other offerings. In the next week, we are planning to launch stickers, wrist bands, and a selection of t-shirts. Depending on the reception of these items, we may introduce additional products down the line. Should you have a specific item in mind that is not currently featured on our website, feel free to reach out to us via email or Instagram message, and we will explore the possibilities further.

Again, thank you all for the love and support we have been given. This is what helps motivate us to do these events.


Phoenix Rising Tribute


Traveling and Training