Get Out There!

May 10, 2024

It all begins with an idea. After all the ceremonies were completed, after all the phone calls, meeting and coordinations were finished, we finally had the time to start our grieving process. Our world stopped for two months. No work, no real social interactions, just us trying to figure out where we go from here. We packed up our RV and left our home with no real destination in mind, just us and the open road. During our travels it led us to California, Utah, Nevada, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico and back to Arizona.

As we spent the days and miles together, we would cry, talk, laugh and sometimes just sit and not say a word. But during all this traveling it became clear to us that the one commonality we had was that we wanted Alec’s life and legacy to continue on forever. Not for pity sake, but so that others know of Alec’s passions, his love of life and how impactful he was to all those he came in contact with.

We didn’t know how we wanted to accomplish this task…..Maybe it was to launch a business. Maybe to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is was going to be we knew that we wanted to do something.

Then it dawned on us….lets do somewhat that gets us out there, gets us moving again, gets our world moving again. Running…..its simple, not much is needed to do it and you can find events all over the world for it.

So here we are today, we joined our local gym. We got input from local running professionals who helped us with the right equipment, right path to start. As we looked for events to start running in, Caryn and found the most appropriate inaugural start to our endeavor. Our first run will be at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar where Alec was stationed at! Sometimes thing happen for a reason and we feel that being able to train for two months and have this be our first event, well it was meant to be.

We are getting our event gear printed up with a QR code to this website so people and read and share our love of our son. We are currently waiting on the finalized approval paperwork from the State and Feds concerning our 501(c) approval. Once we receive that we can get the donations link live and running.

Thank you for visiting and keep checking back for updates, pics and stories about our events, struggles and triumphs.


Traveling and Training